
seven things

How exciting! I was tagged by Charlotte to play game called Seven Things. Now I tag my dear friend Maria.

"Each person tagged gives seven random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write on their blogs seven facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag one other and list their name on your blog. You have to leave the person you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and need to read your blog".

Here are seven random facts about myself!


I wear woollen socks nearly all the time. Woollen socks are so cosy and calming. Nothing is better after a hard day at work than a big cup of tea and the woollen socks on my feet.


I dream of an old house in the countryside. Now we lodge a little apartment in a charming old wooden house which is very nicely located in Helsinki. BUT... Our apartment is too small for us and the most regretable thing is that it's not our own. That means no repairs of our own style, not an own garden... But however, I'm quite satisfied with this situation. Our fee is reasonable, neighbours are nice and the forest is close to us. It is good to live in dreams... The picture below is from exquisite book made of Lars Sjöberg: Svenska Trähus.


I'm a gastronome. I think food must be delicious! Just now my favourite goody is tea and savoyry white roasted bread with fresh apricot marmelade and Brie. The list of my favourite foods is such a long so I won't bother you with it.


Oh, fabrics! Now I'm getting glose to one of the most tempting thing in the world. This girl is a real fabric lover! I work in a fabric shop (beside studies) so you surely can imagine what a big part of my salary goes back to my embloer. And the rest of it goes to the other fabric shops (at least if you ask from my lovely man).


Here is the delight of my life. Our little doggy girl. She is a Lapponian Herder, also known as Reindeer Dog. In fact she has not even seen a reindeer and she is scared of skiers too. Maybe we should take her to the Lappland sometimes. She likes to sleep on the sofa pretty cushion under her head. Play with a ball or a stick is the funniest activity to her. She is calm, gentle and obedient. It is so good to take walk with her in the forest. Umbrellas are dreadful things if asked her. So if it's rainy outside, no way, not umbrella with us. Even if I take a look at the umbrella, the dog scrambles under the bed.


Childish things please and inspire me, particularly old ones. Picture below the text is from the newest issue of Finnish magazine Glorian Antiikki. There is a little booklet and two paper dolls from the end of the Forties.

Another inspiration for me is Caroline Zoob. Lately I've been sewing and embroidering a skirt and a dress influenced by Caroline. Maybe sometimes later I post some pictures of these.


Flowers, especially white and pale pink flowers are charming. I wasn't able to resist bright colour and courageous shape of this Begonia in my latest trip to my favourite flower shop. I think it's a bit aunty-style but it fits me perfectly because, well, I wear woollen socks, I dream of an own house and I drink tea all the time ;) I think I'm a bit aunty-stylish too. And my hope is to become such an excellent gardener as my mother is.


  1. Tanja - oh I am so glad I tagged you! What a delightful post you have done with such lovely pictures.

    I am going to go and read it all again right away !!

    : )

  2. Charlotte - I'm happy you tagged me. Thanks!! Just now I have flu so I had time to post Seven Things.

  3. oh good (that you had time). It made me laugh at the end how your begonia is 'aunty style' because you wear woolen socks and drink tea!!

    That reminds me of my best friend Polly.She drinks only tea, wears woolen socks and is at home right now crocheting a knee-blanket!

  4. Hauskaa lukea näitä! Ja kuvat ja värit ovat kauniita. Koira on tietysti kaikkein suloisin :)

  5. Kiitos Nuttula! Ruskea otus on kyllä mahdottoman ihana. Tänäänkin se on ollut niin kaveria minulle, kun hytisen flunssan kourissa. Välillä se nuolaisee kevyesti poskesta lohdutukseksi.

  6. Hauskat seitsemän asiaa ja ihanat kuvat - niin mukavaa luettavaa! Begonia-ajatus itää (!) minunkin mielessäni, niissä on aika kauniita värejä tarjolla.

    Kiitos kutsusta mukaan - minulla vaan taitaa mennä hetki ennen kuin ehdin miettiä postausta. Tänään olin töissä aamukahdeksasta iltaseitsemään ja kiirettä piisaa varmaan viikon vielä. Huokaus.

  7. Hei Maria! Voimia sinulle työntekoon! Onneksi pian jo loma alkaa.

    Begonioissa on tosiaan ihania värejä. Ihan oli vaikea päättää, minkä olisi ostanut. Harmi vain, kun ulkokukiksi en niitä pysty ottamaan, koska a) meidän portailla on aivan liian kuuma niille b) Begoniat eivät kestä suoraa sadetta, ja suojaanhan minä en niitä tässä saa. Joka keväinen ulkokukkaprobleema ratkeaa lähes aina orvokeilla ja pelargonioilla -tylsää, mutta kylläkin turvallisen kaunista. Onko ideoita? Kiitos ilahduttavasta kommentista!

  8. You have a lovely blog! I've just discovered it and you seem to lead a very fresh and clean and joyful life!

  9. Hei Tanja!

    Löysinpä tieni tänne ihastelemaan. Sinulla on todella kaunis blogi ja varsinkin nuo seitsemän asiaa... ihastuttavia kuvia!


  10. Moi ihana ystäväni!

    Onpa mukava lukea kivoja kirjoituksiasi ja katsella kauniita kuvia. Nytkin töistä väsyneenä ne saavat hymyn huulille.

    Toivottavasti olet jo parantunut!

    t. Katja

  11. Hey Concha, Niina and Katja. Thanks for visiting and for your nice comments! Happy weekend to you!

  12. Kuvista saat myös minun lempeän ihailuni-tekstiin pitäisi meikäläisen totaalisesti unohtuneella englanttinkielellä perehtymällä perehtyä-mukavia ovatte varmasti ja kiitän,että suomenkielikin toisinaan vilahtaa,niin minäkin tumpelo saa napsia sanojasikin!!!=O)
