

Hasty day this will be. But fortunately I organized time to myself to enjoy a soothing and beautiful morning moment. Some part of me is so happy to go to work, some part would want to stay home just enjoying sun and photographing and doing all those creative things. Zappa stays home, as always, sleeping and listening.


  1. Your home always looks so beautiful and peaceful. No wonder your little dog is so happy to be at home!

  2. Your little dog seems so sweet. I love the name Zappa too.

  3. Hi. I came across your blog while i was searching for pictures of Tolix chairs, and i`m so glad i did. You are taking the most wonderful pictures and i love the mood and the colours in them. I`m adding you to my blog list asap. But i was actually wondering if i could use the picture i found of the green chair you have a picture of in march 09. I will of course link back to your blog if you let me use it.

    Hope you have a lovely day :)

  4. Lovely images! You have an amazing blog, congratulations!

  5. Voi mitä valoa ja värejä,ihanaa! Näissä kuvissasi on jo iso ripaus kevättä..tai ehkä jopa kourallinen:)

  6. Se on juuri se ristiriita menemisen ja olemisen välillä. On kiva mennä, muttei aina jaksaisi. On kiva olla, mutta sitten tekeekin taas mieli mennä.

  7. Therese&Fjellrosa, sure, you can use my photo! I am glad that you asked first. And thanks for visiting!
