
full of joy - full of fatigue

How on earth I'll be able to go to work tomorrow? My weekend was perfectly fun, thank you all lovely ones! But one silent, peaceful day would be needed here now.


  1. pretty pictures. What kind of camera do you use?

  2. oh pretty gingham, don't be discouraged with the work week ensuing. read my posting today on how to beat a case of the mondays :)

    ps - have a happy week!

    City Girl Chicago - http://citygirlchicago.blogspot.com/

  3. i know what you mean - i'm feeling tired already just looking at my day planner for this week.

    love the last shot.


  4. Toi eka kuva on kyllä ihana.

    Voi että.

  5. Mondays are difficult to carry on. But then when they start, you begin to think on friday again.

  6. Kun minulla ei ole kiire, olen oikein ihana ihminen. Kiire tekee minusta hirviön.
    Tämä syksy on ollut kiireetön, ja perheeni kyllä sen huomaa ja kiittää.

    Toivottavasti saat sen rauhaisan päivän. Kaunista osaat kiireessäkin.

  7. even eve, thanks, mostly I use Panasonic Lumix pocket camera, and sometimes Pentax system camera.

    Chicago City Girl, I should go to read your posting :) because my monday wasn't that good. But maybe your post could help my tuesday :) Have a happy yourself too! Thanks!

    janis, normally I'm not distresessed of the beginning of the new week, but this time I hadn't possibility to rest enough, the past week was really hasty and so is this too! But I'm tired just physially, not mantally :) I had fantastic visitors and great time.

    isoinpapu, keittiön ikkunan takaisesta pihlajasta on suuresti iloa minulle, ja sinullekin! Hyvä pihlaja!

    ibb, yeah exactly :)

    Liivia, toivottavasti ei kiireitä siis ilmaannukaan sinulle! Minulle pelkkä kiire ei vielä tee hirviöooa, mutta siihen lisäksi nälkä ja väsy, niin alan minäkin olla kohtuuton.
